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Are you ready to step up to being a Thoughtful
Action Leader?

Developing leaders who bring out the best of the human spirit, achieve meaningful results, and create a better world.

Our Approach

Leadership and life are inseparable. Becoming a better leader is becoming a better person. Lessons in life are lessons in leadership. 


 We nurture thoughtful, authentic leadership using a small, but powerful set of practices that are instrumental for success at work and in life. These four practices map the territory for bringing forth the best of the human spirit and achieving meaningful results today and in the future.


The Voices of Leadership

Our mental models, self-talk and spoken words create our perceptions and drive how we show up as a leader. 


By changing the nature of our inner dialogue and conversations we expand our own voices of leadership (and life) - the voices that create possibility, curiosity, connection, courage, and life-giving energy.


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The Meta-skills of
Life and Leadership

Leaders today are challenged with an ever growing list of expectations and skill requirements. Many feel overwhelmed, and leadership has become overcomplicated!


By focusing on a small set of “meta-skills” we simplify the art of leading and serving others.


What are these meta-skills that are worthy of lifelong attention and cultivation?


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Whole Person

We are interested in the whole person, across all roles and dimensions in life. In a complex world, internal and external harmony is core to building trust, acting with integrity, being authentic, forming meaningful relationships, and performing well.


We give leaders tools and skills to integrate their lives, and reach new heights across the roles and dimensions that matter most to the leader.




Your Play

Many have heard of the value of playing to your strengths. We take a more holistic approach  - strengthening your play.*


 We all have a rich set of gifts, talents, and skills. Some skills are strong, others not so strong. We think of these as your "team" of skills, and our job is to help you maximize team performance


How do we help leaders focus their development energy on the small set of skills that will create a breakthrough in performance?


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* Strengthening Your Play comes from The Zen Leader: 10 Ways to go From Barely Managing to Leading Fearlessly, Ginny Whitelaw, Career Press, 2012


“I had the good fortune to attend a program designed and conducted by Denis. The result for me was a sense of continuity, openness, and completeness unlike I had experienced in the past. For me, what Denis had achieved was a sound path of leadership development for our changing world and leaders of the future.”  

VP of Account Strategy and Innovation

“I really took the lessons to heart and from them, my life has changed so much for the better.  At work, over the last few months, the multiple complements from my colleagues on how much I have changed, how open I am to new ideas and how supportive I have become has energized my peers to want to do more with me and my group.  


I truly cannot say how much the lessons learned through  your program have changed my outlook and therein my life.  This should be one of the most stressful periods for my family, instead, I have been able to enjoy every moment.”

Software Solutions Leader

“This program will stretch you and redefine skills for leadership. You will make connections with others on a deeper level and give you a great appreciation for each person’s uniqueness.  It does a terrific job of breaking down the barriers of job title and instead connects us as human beings.”

Senior Healthcare Leader

“I’ve personally experienced and witnessed the growth in leaders as they went through Denis' program so it’s something I have wanted to do, for myself, for years. I’m grateful [to have been able to attend this year's session].”

VP of Client Success

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© 2021, 2024 The Center for Thoughtful-Action and Evontage, llc

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